Halloween is a night to dress up as any character you'd like—but for women, that typically means wearing something skimpy or downright absurd. From "sexy" policewomen to nearly undressed fairy tale princesses, we're surrounded by costumes that leave little to the imagination. And, let's be honest: who wants to spend a chilly October night in barely-there clothing?
Over the years, we've shared some great non-slutty costume ideas for women (see here and here), and we've got 10 more for you. These costumes will not only keep you warm once the sun sets, but are also unique enough to rock at any Halloween event.
#1. DIY Sushi Roll
Need a costume that's cute in a hurry? MintLaces offers a quick and easy DIY tutorial that will turn you into a roll of sushi.
You can customize the sushi pillow to your liking to recreate your favorite colorful roll. With a fluffy pillow on your back, you're sure to be comfortable all night long!
#2. Fargo's Deputy Molly Solverson
Dress in your winter wear, and you're ready to go! Wearing a dark brown vest with your furriest boots and a matching hat will turn you into pregnant police officer Molly Solverson of this year's TV remake of Fargo.
Or, if you're a bigger fan of Fargo the film, not the TV show, you can instantly become pregnant police chief Marge Gunderson. Whether you have a bun in the oven of your own or not, this puffy costume is the perfect way to stay covered up.
#3. Bag of Jelly Beans
Though jelly beans are associated more with Easter, what's a better costume than turning yourself into a candy treat? With a bunch of colorful balloons and a big plastic bag, you can become your favorite mixed bag of Jelly Bellies.
Sitting down might be a bit of a challenge, but who cares when you're wearing one of the most creative costumes in the room?
#4. Olaf from Frozen
Tired of seeing glittery Elsa dresses and green Anna costumes everywhere you go? Stand out from the crowd by recreating Olaf the snowman's look.

MyLifeAsEva suggests pairing a white long-sleeved tee and white pants with a few obviously Olaf accessories for a fast, easy, and adorable take on the popular Frozen theme. Click here for the DIY instructions.
#5. Pineapple
Want a costume that's easily recognizable and no sweat to make? Grab green construction paper and some yellow clothing, and you can turn yourself into a pineapple.
Whether you choose a simple yellow dress or cover up even more in a yellow sweater and pants, you'll have a cute, simple costume that doesn't fall into the "slutty" category.
#6. April O'Neil
Think dressing up as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' beloved April requires a lot of cleavage and very little yellow jumpsuit? Think again: you can become April and still stay covered.
If you're more of a fan of the classic cartoon, opt for the traditional, zipped up jumpsuit April wore in the 1980's TV show. Or, as Megan Fox showed us in this year's popular remake, all you need to DIY April's look is a bright yellow jacket, a gray T-shirt, and a pair of dark jeans.
#7. The Price Is Right Contestant
Ever want to try your luck at the price guessing gameshow The Price is Right? With a few easy-to-find supplies, you can become a contestant for Halloween—though you may not meet Drew Carey or former host Bob Barker.
With a location- or university-based tee or sweatshirt, a knockoff of the iconic yellow name tags, and a cardboard "digital" price sign, you'll be both creative and cozy.
#8. Tina Belcher
You don't have to love horses and erotic friend fiction to craft a perfectly unsexy Tina Belcher costume. Becoming Bob's Burgers eldest child is a simple yet creative option.
Few costumes are as easy to pull together as Tina's easily recognizable look. With a blue T-shirt, navy skirt or shorts, mid-calf socks paired with black Converse, and some thickly framed glasses, you can spend all that extra costume-making time on perfecting Tina's "uhhhhhhhh" and exaggerated slouch.
#9. Slurpee
Staying away from too sexy costumes can be fun, if you're creative. With some sewing skills and colorful fabric, you can turn yourself into a delicious 7-11 Slurpee.
Though most sexy costumes rely on tulle to create fluffy, short tutus, you can use the same fabric to DIY an icy Slurpee costume. You may not be able to use your arms, but you'll definitely win a "Most Creative Costume" award or two!
#10. Shia Labeouf
You might not think wearing a paper bag over your head counts as a costume, but thanks to Shia Labeouf's "I'm not famous" stunt, it's a funny and recognizable choice for 2014—for men and women.
After wearing that marker-inscribed statement over his face in February, Labeouf immediately became costume-worthy. Toss on a borrowed tux, or create one of your own—and, of course, don't forget to scrawl his words on a paper bag of your own. Bonus points if you can convince a few friends to follow you around, red-carpet style.
Though dressing in a sexy, barely-there costume is all the rage every Halloween, feel free to move beyond typical and get creative. Sometimes, keeping things covered can draw even more attention.
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